35mm Fujichrome PROVIA 100F

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Realistic and sensitive reproduction of an almost endless variety of subjects with fine grain and superb sharpness. Professional quality, medium-speed, daylight-type color reversal film with ultrafine grain (RMS: 8), designed to provide medium color-saturation and contrast. Suited to a wide range of applications, such as product, landscape, nature and fashion photography as well as portraiture.

At a Glance

  • Super-Fine Grain

  • Vivid and Faithful Color Reproduction

  • Rich Tone Reproduction

  • Improved Reciprocity Characteristics

  • Excellent Push-/Pull-Processing


  • Finely detailed image formation for large-size enlargements and other work requiring high-magnification as a result of the finest grain

  • Extremely satisfying color depiction, providing the most brilliant primaries without sacrificing the delicate pastels, for wide-ranging application.

  • Smooth gradation reproduction with superb depth, thanks to bias-free, brilliant highlights and excellent highlight-to-shadow gradation linearity.

  • Increased resistance to loss in film speed and color balance during long exposures, as well as consistently accurate multiple-exposure performance.

  • Outstanding tolerance to exposure and density compensation during processing, within -1/2 stop to +2 stops, resulting in minimal variations in color balance and gradation.”

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Realistic and sensitive reproduction of an almost endless variety of subjects with fine grain and superb sharpness. Professional quality, medium-speed, daylight-type color reversal film with ultrafine grain (RMS: 8), designed to provide medium color-saturation and contrast. Suited to a wide range of applications, such as product, landscape, nature and fashion photography as well as portraiture.

At a Glance

  • Super-Fine Grain

  • Vivid and Faithful Color Reproduction

  • Rich Tone Reproduction

  • Improved Reciprocity Characteristics

  • Excellent Push-/Pull-Processing


  • Finely detailed image formation for large-size enlargements and other work requiring high-magnification as a result of the finest grain

  • Extremely satisfying color depiction, providing the most brilliant primaries without sacrificing the delicate pastels, for wide-ranging application.

  • Smooth gradation reproduction with superb depth, thanks to bias-free, brilliant highlights and excellent highlight-to-shadow gradation linearity.

  • Increased resistance to loss in film speed and color balance during long exposures, as well as consistently accurate multiple-exposure performance.

  • Outstanding tolerance to exposure and density compensation during processing, within -1/2 stop to +2 stops, resulting in minimal variations in color balance and gradation.”

Realistic and sensitive reproduction of an almost endless variety of subjects with fine grain and superb sharpness. Professional quality, medium-speed, daylight-type color reversal film with ultrafine grain (RMS: 8), designed to provide medium color-saturation and contrast. Suited to a wide range of applications, such as product, landscape, nature and fashion photography as well as portraiture.

At a Glance

  • Super-Fine Grain

  • Vivid and Faithful Color Reproduction

  • Rich Tone Reproduction

  • Improved Reciprocity Characteristics

  • Excellent Push-/Pull-Processing


  • Finely detailed image formation for large-size enlargements and other work requiring high-magnification as a result of the finest grain

  • Extremely satisfying color depiction, providing the most brilliant primaries without sacrificing the delicate pastels, for wide-ranging application.

  • Smooth gradation reproduction with superb depth, thanks to bias-free, brilliant highlights and excellent highlight-to-shadow gradation linearity.

  • Increased resistance to loss in film speed and color balance during long exposures, as well as consistently accurate multiple-exposure performance.

  • Outstanding tolerance to exposure and density compensation during processing, within -1/2 stop to +2 stops, resulting in minimal variations in color balance and gradation.”

High Saturation and Vivid Color

Professional, high image quality, daylight-type color reversal film with superb granularity, and world-class levels of image color-saturation and vibrancy.

Precise modulation, vivid color reproduction and excellent image quality make this the outstanding film for nature, fashion, products, interiors, and artwork photography.

At a Glance

  • Vibrant Color Reproduction/Rich Color-Tone Depiction

  • Fine Grain Quality/High Definition/High Resolving Power

  • Neutral Grays and Excellent Deep Shadows

  • Also facilitates fine exposure and density adjustments during processing


  • Vivid skin-tone reproduction with exceptional, unparalleled color-saturation. Superb color-tone depiction for rich color reproduction.

  • Superb grain quality, vibrancy and resolving power

  • Fine neutral gray reproduction from the highlights to the shadows.

  • Minimum color balance variation over a range from -1/2 to +1 stop to enable wider photo opportunities.

  • Also allows fine adjustments of exposure and density to be easily done during processing.