1.  How long does an order take to be completed?

We have been experiencing an exponentially higher volume of orders coming in than ever before, so although all of us at Lumentation try for a 10-day turnaround, at the moment we are asking for about 2 weeks. It always fluctuates depending on how much is coming in, so some weeks may be busier than others.

2. Can I drop my film off and pick-up instead of ship it to you?

We have Local Drop box available 24/7, if you are unable to come into the shop when we’re open. IT’s a large grey mailbox near the entrance where you can drop your film, disposable cameras, etc. Please put everything in an envelope or zip lock bag and label it with your name and order number. We check this multiple times a week.

3. Does it matter how old my film is? Will the images come out differently on older film?

We are able to develop film of any age whether if it was shot 60 years ago or 60 seconds ago! That said, it is always possible that older film can develop with abnormalities such as discoloration or blurriness. It depends on the type and condition your film has been in. We process the film the same no matter the age, but the results can vary depending on the conditions your film has been in.

4. Can I get a downloadable link to my images?

Yes! We ALWAYS deliver your images via Google Drive, so no need to worry or take any other actions when checking out

5. I have never had film developed before! What do I do?

Welcome! We get customers of all experiences at Lumentation, from knowledgeable photographers, to brand new film users. The next few questions explain the process.

To get your film developed:

  • Select what type of service you desire (Develop Only, Develop and scan, Prints and Scans...)

  • Select what type of film you are developing (Color or Black & White)

  • Select how many rolls of film you would like developed

  • Checkout and pay

  • Follow our shipping instructions to ship your film to us

If you have any other questions always feel free to reach out at hello@lumentation.com

6. How do I ship my film to you? Is there a specific way I should package my film?

  • After placing your order online, you’ll get an emailed receipt with an order number.


  • Pack rolls in their original plastic packs whenever possible, or wrap the rolls in aluminum foil or plastic wrap.

  • Independently mail us your film to: Lumentation, c/o Jeffrey Phelps, 219 Highland Ave, Somerville MA 02143

7. What type of film do you develop?

We are able to process both C-41 and Black & White film for 35 mm, 120 & 220 sizes.

8. So do you process e-6/slide/color positive film?

We have begun offering E-6/slide film developing, we do it in-house and use Cinesti'll’s simplified 3-bath process for E-6.

9. Can you push/pull film?

We can push/pull Color and Black & White film. We DO NOT RECCOMMEND PUSHING COLOR ONE STOP. The change in exposure is negligible.

10. What method do you use to print?

We are one of the only film labs still using wet processing techniques to print!

11. Can I send my disposable cameras to you?

Yes! We can develop the film from disposable cameras. If you want to send the whole camera we can take the film out for you. For simple instructions on safely removing the film, click here.

12. Do you return the negative to the customer?

We do! We always return the negative back with your order (unless you don't want them). If you would like your negatives left uncut please make a note on your order to leave negatives uncut.

13.What resolution do you scan?

  • Snapshot resolution: 1024 px × 1536 px

  • High Resolution: 2048 px × 3072 px

  • Super Resolution: 4011 x 6048 px

14. Ok, but what is the difference your scan options? What will my scans look like?

We suggest you choose your resolution based on how you plan to view your scans. If you are planning on viewing your images on a larger screen such as a computer or want the flexibility to edit the scans high res is the best option for you. If you are planning on viewing the images on smaller screens such as a phone and plan to leave the image unedited our snapshot resolution is right for you.

15. What if I find an issue with my processed film or I am unsatisfied with the quality?

  • We try to ensure the highest quality products to our customers whether they are scans, prints, or develop only. With that said, film can be a sensitive and delicate medium where mistakes can happen that are unavoidable. Film attracts dust and can stick to the film and show up in the final images for instance, or small scratches can be made by our automatic machines on occasion.

  • We do our absolute best to avoid any flaws, but we understand that each file or print may not be perfect. All of us at Lumentation are lovers of film and shoot film ourselves so we understand the desire for perfect images. We hope you see our efforts in giving you the highest quality service and understand the sensitive nature of film can result in imperfections.

16. If my roll turns out blank will I be refunded?

If your film roll turns out blank we can send you a partial refund if you selected prints for your order. The price of the developing and scanning of the film will still be charged as we have to use chemicals and time to develop every roll of film, and not every roll that appears blank to the eye is actually blank.

17. I have a lot of rolls of film, is there a limit on how much I can send?

There is no limit! We can process as many or as few rolls of film as you send to us.