35mm FPP Sonic 25 B/W Film


Sonic25 35mm High Contrast / Fine Grain BW Film
One Roll / iso 25 / 24 exposures / DX Coded

This is an high contrast, fine grained Orthochromatic motion picture film for shooting in daylight or with daylight balanced lights.

This unique, high contrast, extremely fine-grained blue sensitive film was manufactured for optical sound recording but will produce stunningly fine-grain images when using for pictoral images in your still camera. Expect high contrast and a slight glow and because it is an ortho film and not all tones will record the same as a normal panchromatic film.

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Sonic25 35mm High Contrast / Fine Grain BW Film
One Roll / iso 25 / 24 exposures / DX Coded

This is an high contrast, fine grained Orthochromatic motion picture film for shooting in daylight or with daylight balanced lights.

This unique, high contrast, extremely fine-grained blue sensitive film was manufactured for optical sound recording but will produce stunningly fine-grain images when using for pictoral images in your still camera. Expect high contrast and a slight glow and because it is an ortho film and not all tones will record the same as a normal panchromatic film.

Sonic25 35mm High Contrast / Fine Grain BW Film
One Roll / iso 25 / 24 exposures / DX Coded

This is an high contrast, fine grained Orthochromatic motion picture film for shooting in daylight or with daylight balanced lights.

This unique, high contrast, extremely fine-grained blue sensitive film was manufactured for optical sound recording but will produce stunningly fine-grain images when using for pictoral images in your still camera. Expect high contrast and a slight glow and because it is an ortho film and not all tones will record the same as a normal panchromatic film.

120 roll film for medium format cameras

ISO 200, medium speed, black & white film with extended red sensitivity for creative photographic applications.

  • Medium speed ISO 200

  • Extended red sensitivity

  • Use with filters for creative effects

  • 35mm and 120 Roll film available