35mm Reto AQUA 400 Color Film 27x Exp.


RETOCOLOR AQUA 400 Film, 27EXP 35MM, is a film that produces faded and low contrast colors when used in varied circumstances. Under daylight condition, it creates an icy bluish color tone and additionally add grainy texture to the photos. It necessitates standard C-41 processing, which is a widely-used and accessible option for lab processing. The film canister consists a DX code, which was already adhered to it, to assist users in setting the correct ISO while shooting with automatic cameras.”

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RETOCOLOR AQUA 400 Film, 27EXP 35MM, is a film that produces faded and low contrast colors when used in varied circumstances. Under daylight condition, it creates an icy bluish color tone and additionally add grainy texture to the photos. It necessitates standard C-41 processing, which is a widely-used and accessible option for lab processing. The film canister consists a DX code, which was already adhered to it, to assist users in setting the correct ISO while shooting with automatic cameras.”

RETOCOLOR AQUA 400 Film, 27EXP 35MM, is a film that produces faded and low contrast colors when used in varied circumstances. Under daylight condition, it creates an icy bluish color tone and additionally add grainy texture to the photos. It necessitates standard C-41 processing, which is a widely-used and accessible option for lab processing. The film canister consists a DX code, which was already adhered to it, to assist users in setting the correct ISO while shooting with automatic cameras.”

Bathe your photos in glowing shades of red, orange, yellow and even cool blue – experiment with the extended ISO range to render different results.

  • A little shot of sunshine in a canister!

  • Extended ISO 50–200 for vibrant variety

  • Grain varies with the ISO rating

  • Wash your shots in warm hues, expect the occasional turquoise too

  • Great for heating things up on an overcast day