Lumentation, along with Auspicious Phoenix Productions and Rengo Studios, stands with the Black Lives Matter movement to fight for equal rights and end systemic racism in America.
Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) is a system of organizations that are fighting to gain rights and resources for Black people. This movement makes it possible for there to be more equality and recognition of the Black community in this country.
In order to help this cause in the best way we can, Lumentation will be donating 100% of the proceeds from film orders to Matters for Black Lives throughout the month of July. Along with that, we are offering free developing of photos from the current civil rights movement with code BLM. In addition, we ask that anyone submitting photos of the movement for developing also share their story on how this movement has impacted them and allow us to share that, along with a photo or two of theirs, on our social media to help spread awareness in any way we can.
Don’t have any film to be developed but still want to donate? We have donation boxes on our website at Lumentation.com as well as our production company’s website auspiciousphoenix.com or visit m4bl.com to donate. We thank everyone who participates for their support and believe that if we all stand together we can make a change.
Website: M4BL – Black like we never left
How it started: The Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) formed in December of 2014, was created as a space for Black organizations across the country to debate and discuss the current political conditions, develop shared assessments of what political interventions were necessary in order to achieve key policy, cultural and political wins, convene organizational leadership in order to debate and co-create a shared movement-wide strategy. Under the fundamental idea that we can achieve more together than we can separately.
Mission: The Movement for Black Lives is an ecosystem of individuals and organizations creating a shared vision and policy agenda to win rights, recognition, and resources for Black people. In doing so, the movement makes it possible for us, and therefore everyone, to live healthy and fruitful lives.
Why we chose them: They’re a large organization that commits to helping smaller organizations for many different causes in the BLM movement. Felt the money going to this organization would do the most in donating it to several different organizations where help is needed.
Where does the money go: M4BL makes decisions about the movement’s resource needs strategically and collectively through its resource table. The resource table is made up of a cross-section of both national and local activists, collectives, and organizations which determine movement resource needs and priorities, and decide where those resources should go. These decisions are informed by current political conditions, M4BL’s Project 2024: Black Power Rising 5-year plan, and consensus across M4BL’s ecosystem. M4BL exists within a diverse ecosystem of committed movement leaders, activists, collectives, and organizations which make decisions collectively about how M4BL’s resources are deployed. These decisions are informed by what resources are available and where those resources are needed based on emergent and existing actions, campaigns, and policy battles; and driven by M4BL’s Project 2024: Black Power Rising 5-year Plan. Thus, the resource table requires the flexibility and self-determination to move resources as they are needed in alignment with our values, what the movement dictates, and the long-term vision for liberation. As resource needs are identified by the M4BL resource table in coordination with local and national leaders, resources are earmarked and delivered to those who are doing the work in the ways that they need it. Because the work on the ground is emergent, assistance may look like deploying communications expertise to coordinate with local actors, developing and researching policy briefs, convening, safety and security planning, and regranting to meet needs locally, whenever possible. We ask our funders and donors to trust in M4BL’s leadership to identify the processes to determine the best way to move support throughout the M4BL ecosystem.